170 research outputs found

    On MDS Negacyclic LCD Codes

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    Linear codes with complementary duals (LCD) have a great deal of significance amongst linear codes. Maximum distance separable (MDS) codes are also an important class of linear codes since they achieve the greatest error correcting and detecting capabilities for fixed length and dimension. The construction of linear codes that are both LCD and MDS is a hard task in coding theory. In this paper, we study the constructions of LCD codes that are MDS from negacyclic codes over finite fields of odd prime power qq elements. We construct four families of MDS negacyclic LCD codes of length nq12n|\frac{{q-1}}{2}, nq+12n|\frac{{q+1}}{2} and a family of negacyclic LCD codes of length n=q1n=q-1. Furthermore, we obtain five families of q2q^{2}-ary Hermitian MDS negacyclic LCD codes of length n(q1)n|\left( q-1\right) and four families of Hermitian negacyclic LCD codes of length n=q2+1.n=q^{2}+1. For both Euclidean and Hermitian cases the dimensions of these codes are determined and for some classes the minimum distances are settled. For the other cases, by studying qq and q2q^{2}-cyclotomic classes we give lower bounds on the minimum distance

    Türkiye-Kafkasya ilişkilerinde Batum (1917-1921)

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.1917 Rus ihtilallerinden 1921 Mart ayına kadar Batum'da sırasıyla Çarlık Rusya, Türkiye, İngiltere, Gürcistan ve Sovyet Rusya hâkimiyet kurmuşlardı. Ayrıca, Ermenistan, Azerbaycan, Almanya, Fransa, İtalya ve Amerika'nın Batum ile alakalı politikaları mevcuttu. Bu devletler arasında Batum'u elde etmek için mücadeleler sürerken, bunun yanında şehirde yaşayan Müslümanlar, Ruslar, Rumlar, Ermeniler ve Gürcüler de bu mücadeleye taraf olmaktaydılar. Çalışmada, mücadeleye taraf olan devletlerin arşiv, gazete ve diğer materyallerine elden geldiği kadar ulaşılarak, şu sorulara objektif olarak yanıtlar verilmeye çalışılmıştır: a) Batum'u elde etmek için bu kadar devlet ve millet neden mücadele içerisine girmiştir? Bunlar için Batum'un önemi ve özellikleri nelerdir? b) Batum'da yaşayan halk, hangi devlet ya da devletleri desteklemekteydi? Neden? c) Batum'da hâkimiyet kuran devletler şehri nasıl idare etmişlerdir? Bu devletler şehrin idaresinde başarılı olabilmişler miydi? Bunun nedenleri nelerdir? d) 1918-1921 yılları arasında bölgede ve dünyadaki gelişmeler Batum'u nasıl etkilemiştir?Coğrafî şartları nedeniyle mükemmel denilebilecek bir limana sahip olan Batum, sadece Kafkasya'nın değil, İran, Doğu Anadolu ve Orta Asya'nın çıkış kapısı olmasının yanında, Bakû-Batum demiryolu ve petrol boru hattı ile gelişmiş bir sanayi şehriydi. Bu nedenlerden dolayı hem bölge devletlerinin, hem de emperyalist devletlerin Batum ile ilgili politikaları mevcuttu. Bu devletlerin Batum üzerinde hak iddiaları, tarihî, dinî, etnik, askerî, siyasî ve iktisadî unsurlar çerçevesinde gelişmişti. Türkiye için, 400 yıllık bir geçmiş ile tarihî ve bölge halkının % 80'inin Müslüman olması nedeniyle hilafet bağı ile de dinî unsurlar ön plana çıkmaktadır. İktisadî ve diğer unsurlar ise arka planda kalmaktadır. Gürcistan için ise bölge halkının çoğunluğunun Gürcü olması nedeniyle etnik unsur ön plana çıkmaktadır. Fakat Batum halkının etnik kökenleri hakkında tartışmalar bugün bile devam etmektedir. Ayrıca bu insanlar kendilerini ?Gürcü? değil, daha çok ?Müslüman? olarak tanımlamaktadır. Bunun dışında Gürcistan tarihte Batum'a çok kısa aralıklarla sahip olmuştu. Bu nedenle tarihî açıdan da Batum'da hak iddia etmesi anlamsızdı. Fakat iktisadî açıdan Batum Gürcistan için hayati bir önem taşımaktaydı. Türkiye ve Gürcistan'ın dışında sıcak denizlere ulaşmaya çalışan Rusya için Batum, en fazla askerî, siyasî ve iktisadî açıdan önemliydi. Zaten Rusya Batum'u elde eder etmez, bu amaçlarına uygun bir hale getirmiştir. İngiltere, Bakû petrollerine ulaşmak ve Ortadoğu ile Hindistan'a Bolşeviklerin ilerlemesini engellemek için Batum'u işgal ettiğinden, bu şehirde askerî, siyasî ve iktisadî emellere sahipti. Diğer devletler de, Batum Müslümanlarına yardım eden Azerbaycan'ın dışında, Batum için sadece iktisadî açıdan ilgilenmekteydi. Bu devletler Batum'u elde etmek için mücadelelerini sürdürürlerken Batum halkı, 1918 yılında yapılan halkoylamasında büyük bir çoğunlukla Türkiye'nin hâkimiyetini istemişti. Bunun dışında Gürcistan da dâhil olmak üzere Türkiye dışında hiçbir devlet Batum'da halkoylamasına müracaat edilmesini talep edememekteydi. Zaten Batum'daki İngiliz idarecileri de defeatle Batum halkının çoğunlukla Türkiye'yi istediğini belirtmişlerdi. Batum'da en fazla iddia hakkı olan devletin Türkiye olmasına ve Batum halkının büyük bir çoğunlukla Türkiye taraftarı olmasına rağmen Türkiye, Moskova Antlaşması'yla Batum'u Sovyet Gürcistanı'na vermeyi, özel şartlar çerçevesinde kabul etmişti.The Tsarist Russia, Turkey, England, Georgia and Soviet Russia ruled Batum from the Russian Revolutions (1917) to March 1921. Moreover, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Germany, France, Italy and America had pursuing over Batum. While among these states were struggling to obtain Batum, Muslims, Russians, Greeks and Georgians living in the city favored this struggle for power. In this work, the following questions are objectively answered by the using the archives, periodicals and other materials of above mentioned states as far as possible: a) Why so many states and nations did struggle to obtain Batum? What were the features and importance of Batum for them? Which state or states did the people of Batum support? Why? c) How did the ruling states governed the city? Were these states successful about the administration of the city? What were the causes this? How did the developments in the world and region between the years 1918-1921 influence Batum?Batum, has a excellent port due to the geographical conditions, is the outlet of not only Caucasus, but also Persia, Eastern Anatolia and Central Asia, as well as a developed industrial city by the Baku-Batum railways and pipeline. As a consequence of the above mentioned reasons, both regional and imperialist states pursued policies over Batum. These states? claims were built up on Batum were took place in the framework of historical, religious, ethnic, military, political and economic elements. A shared history of 400 years and religious connection based on a %80 of Muslim population in the city which directly belong to the Ottoman caliphate, were the basic motives for Turkey. Economic and other elements were attributed less importance. For Georgia, concerning the majority of city?s population was Georgian ethnic elements came to foreground. But the debate over the ethnicity of Batum`s population continues even today and also the local people defined themselves as Muslim rather than Georgian. Apart from this, Georgia dominated Batum during very short intervals in history. On the other hand, Batum had a vital importance for Georgia in economic means. Batum had military, political and economic importance for Russia, who was aiming to reach warm seas. Likewise, as soon as Batum is obtained by Russia, she was reinforced for the above mentioned purposes. England had military, political and economic aims on Batum, concerning the Baku oil reserves and to prevent Russian advance towards Middle East and India. Expect Azerbaijan who helped Batum Muslims, all other states interested in Batum for economic means. While the above mentioned states were struggling to rule Batum, the overwhelming majority of Batum population preferred the Turkish administration in the referendum of 1918. In addition to this, apart from Turkey, any other state had not demanded referendum to be held in Batum. Anyhow, British authorities in Batum had predicated on a number of occasions that the majority of Batum population preferred the Turkish administration. However, having the utmost right upon Batum and the majority of people of Batum demanding the Turkish rule, Turkey admitted to give Batum to Soviet Georgia with the Treaty of Moscow under the special conditions

    Gori-Georgia Earthquake (1920)

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    DergiPark: 326129trakyasobedA major earthquake on February 20, 1920 occured in Gori in Gorgia, which is on on the world's major earthquake zones. Affected the whole Gorgia, the earthquake destroyed nearly all of Gori and the villages around it. More than 200 people were killed and many a number of people were injured, thousands of people lost their homes and thirst and epidemics erupted. the Georgian government mobilized all its opportunities. Georgian people were persuaded by the press to help the victim of the earthquake. Although there is the large number of dead is more than destruction, and many people are being affected by the earthquake the young Republic of Georgia, with the influence of the political conditions, had difficulties in overcoming the problems. Since 1918, as the occupying power in the Caucasus, England was almost indifferent. In this study, it will be discussed how 1920 Gori earthquake occurred. The damage and the measures taken after the earthquake, and the assistance given after the earthquake, and the attitudes of British and other states towards the earthquake will be discussed by analysing the English Archival Documents (National Archives of United Kingdom) and the period of the Georgian press and research / analysis worksDünyanın önemli deprem kuşağı üzerinde olan Gürcistan sınırları içerisinde bulunan Gori'de 20 Şubat 1920 tarihinde büyük bir deprem meydana geldi. Bütün Gürcistan'ı etkileyen deprem, Gori ve etrafındaki köylerin neredeyse tamamını yok etti. Depremde 200'den fazla insan öldü, çok sayıda kişi de yaralandı. Deprem nedeniyle ön binlerce kişi evsiz kaldı ve açlık, susuzluk ve salgın hastalıklar baş gösterdi. Depreminin oluşturduğu yaraları sarmak için Gürcistan hükümeti bütün imkanlarını seferber etti. Gürcistan halkı basının yardım kampanyaları ile depremzedelere yardım etmeye teşvik edildi. Ölü sayısının çok olmamasına rağmen yıkımın fazla olması ve çok sayıda kişinin depremden etkilenmesi nedeniyle genç Gürcistan Cumhuriyeti, içerisinde bulunduğu siyasî koşulların da etkisiyle bu işin üstesinden gelmekte zorlandı. 1918 yılından beri Kafkasya'da işgalci güç olarak bulunan İngiltere ise depreme adeta kayıtsız kaldı. Bu çalışmada 1920 Gori depreminin nasıl meydana geldiği, depremin yol açtığı hasarlar, depremden sonra alınan önlemler ve yapılan yardımlar ve İngilizlerin ve diğer devletlerin deprem karşısındaki tavrı, İngiliz Arşiv Belgeleri (National Archives of United Kingdom) ve dönemin Gürcü basını ile araştırma/inceleme eserleri incelenerek ele alınmıştı

    Prvi opis grinje (Hirstiella sp.) na zelenoj iguani u Turskoj i liječenje fipronilom - prikaz slučaja.

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    The aim of this case was to document the occurrence of a mite (Hirstiella sp.) on a green iguana and therapy to treat it with a 0.25% fipronil spray. Upon physical examination, a number of red mites, erythema, darkness, and itching were observed on the skin of a green iguana and Hirstiella sp. was diagnosed after microscopic examination. Treatment consisted of a 0.25% fipronil spray once weekly for three weeks. Fipronil was also sprayed into the cage. Mites were eliminated completely from both the body of the green iguana and its cage after the second application and clinical remission was observed.Svrha je ovoga prikaza prvi put opisati pojavu grinje (Hirstiella sp.) na zelenoj iguani i liječenje invazije raspršivanjem 0,25%-tnog fipronila. Kliničkim pregledom ustanovljeno je mnoštvo crvenih grinja, eritem, zamućenje i svrbež na koži. Mikroskopskom pretragom ustanovljena je Hirstiella sp. Za liječenje je bio rabljen 0,25%-tni fipronil u obliku raspršivača jednom tjedno tijekom tri tjedna. Fipronil je bio raspršen i po kavezu. Grinje su nestale s tijela iguane i kaveza nakon druge primijene fipronila, a istodobno su nestali klinički znakovi invazije

    Examining relationship between being cyber bully/ cyber victim and social perceptual levels of adolescents

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between being cyber- bully / cyber-victim and social perception levels in adolescents. In this study, descriptive method was employed. The sample of the study consited of 300 students whom attending different high schools in Trabzon in 2009-2010 school years. 159 students of the sample were boys (% 53) and 141 students were girls (% 47). Cyberbullying Scale and Social Comparision Scale were used to collect the data. Pearson correlation coefficient and independent samples t test were conducted to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that there was a negative significant relationship between being cyber-bully/cyber-victim and social perception levels. As a result of this, students develop negative thinking both themselves and their social life.  Also students who have low social perception being more cyber-bully/cyber-victim. These results were discussed in light of relevant literature and some new direction were given to the further studies.This study aims to investigate the relationship between being cyber- bully / cyber-victim and social perception levels in adolescents. In this study, descriptive method was employed. The sample of the study consited of 300 students whom attending different high schools in Trabzon in 2009-2010 school years. 159 students of the sample were boys (% 53) and 141 students were girls (% 47). Cyberbullying Scale and Social Comparision Scale were used to collect the data. Pearson correlation coefficient and independent samples t test were conducted to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that there was a negative significant relationship between being cyber-bully/cyber-victim and social perception levels. As a result of this, students develop negative thinking both themselves and their social life.  Also students who have low social perception being more cyber-bully/cyber-victim. These results were discussed in light of relevant literature and some new direction were given to the further studies

    The effects of mixed fat in broiler rations on the performance in summer seasons

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    Bu çalısma, yaz aylarında farklı köken ve düzeylerde yag katılan rasyonların etlik piliçlerde canlı agırlık, canlı agırlık artısı, yem tüketimi ve yemden yararlanma üzerine etkilerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıstır. Bu arada, piliçlerin yem tüketimi ve performansı üzerine olası etkilerine ısık tutmak üzere, kümes içi sıcaklıgı ve bagıl nem degerleri de haftalık olarak ölçülmüstür. Yag kökenlerine göre hayvanların genel performansı degerlendirildiginde; yem tüketimi dısında, canlı agırlık, canlı agırlık artısı ve yemden yararlanma açısından rasyon grupları arasında önemli farklılık bulunmustur (P<0.01).Yag düzeylerine göre degerlendirmede ise farklılık önemli çıkmamıstır.This research has been carried out to determine the effects of rations with different fat origins and levels on live weight, live weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio of broilers in summer seasons. Besides, indoor temperature and relative humudity values of poultry house have also been measured weekly in order to determine their possible effects on the feed consumption and performance of broiler. When overall performance of the broilers regarding fat origins within first six weeks is assessed, it is found that there is a significant difference between ration groups for live weight, live weight gain and feed conversion ratio values (P<0.01).When assessed regarding fat levels, there is no significant difference statistically

    A Field Study On Fertılıty Traıts Of Holsteın Heıfer And Cows Artıfıcıally Insemınated Wıth Sexed Belgıan Blue Sperm And Growth Characterıstıcs Of Crossbreed Belgıan Blue _ Holsteın (F1) Male Calves

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    The study was conducted to investigate some reproductive traits of Holstein cattle inseminated with imported sexed male Belgian Blue semen and the growth characteristics of calves in Aydin province of Turkey. Totally 82 Holstein cattle including 29 heifers and 53 cows were inseminated. After the inseminations, some reproductive (the number of insemination per conception, conception rate, the dystocia rate, the rate of stillbirth) values were determined in the enterprises. The birth weights of the male calves were determined and in the following periods, the chest girth and body length values were determined for 6 months of age. In the study, it was observed that the average age of the first insemination was 14.05 months for heifers and 38.11 months for cows (P < 0:05). While more than half of the cows (52.08%) became pregnant in the first insemination, a great majority of the pregnancies (69.03%) of heifers occurred in the second inseminations (P < 0:05). The number of inseminations per conception were 2.13 and 1.79 for heifers and cows, respectively. While the conception rate was determined as 47.76% and 55.62% for heifers and cows respectively, dystocia rate were 43.10% and 25.75%, respectively. The average birth weight of the male calves were found as 42.75 kg and the 90th and 180th day live weights were 106.22 kg and 154.16 kg, respectively. While, the height at withers, body length and chest girth values were detected as 80.60 cm, 78.28 cm, 81.04 cm at birth, the same measurements were 94.45 cm, 94.22 cm and 109.79 cm; 108.46 cm, 110.88 cm and 129.45 cm for the 90th and 180th day, respectively. The corresponding study has clearly shown that the application in the project can create a dramatical meaning in dairy farms. This application can be used in dairy farms in a certain period to whole herd or a part of it. © 2022 Academic Publishing House. All rights reserved

    The predictive value of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and mean platelet volume in patients with colorectal carcinoma

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    Aim: This study aimed to investigate neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and mean platelet volume (MPV) for predicting colorectalcancer (CRC).Material and Methods: We investigated retrospectively patients who underwent colonoscopy. The study consisted of 75 patientswith CRC and 91 study participants with normal colonoscopy as control group, and MPV and NLR were compared between groups.MPV and NLR were also investigated for tumor stage and metastasis.Results: Among the CRC patients the mean NLR value (3.09 vs 2.26) and PLT count (287080 vs 251857) were significantly higher,whereas the mean MPV (9.62 vs 10.68 fL) and hemoglobin level (11.62 vs 14.18 g/dl) were significantly lower in the CRC group. WBCcount was not significantly different between the groups. Mean NLR in metastatic patients and non-metastatic patients were 3.56and 2.73, respectively (p:0.01).Conclusion: We showed that high NLR and low MPV are associated with CRC. Elevated NLR is related with presence of CRC and itcan be used for risk prediction. Although we found lower MPV levels, conflicting results about MPV in CRC prevents it from using asa marker in CRC

    Effect of slaughter age and muscle type on selected meat quality traits and fatty acid composition of Lindovskaya geese

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    The study was conducted in order to determine how the slaughter age (SA) and muscle type (MT) affect technological properties and fatty acid composition (FAC) of meat among Linda geese reared under the breeder conditions. A total of 16 male geese were slaughtered in order to determine the technological properties and FAC of meat. It was determined that the effect of SA on pH(15) and pH(24) (TM), water holding capacity (WHC), cooking loss (CL), and drip loss (DL) of the thigh muscle was all statistically significant (P < 0.05). The effect of SA on pH(24), WHC, CL, and the 168th-hour DL of pectoral muscle (PM), was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Moreover, the effect of MT on pH(15), pH(24), WHC, CL and DL in the 12th week and on pH(15), pH(24), WHC and DL in the 16th week was found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05). Additionally, the effect of SA on monounsaturated fatty acid (Sigma MUFA) of TM and polyunsaturated fatty acid (Sigma PUFA) of PM and Sigma omega-6 ratios was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Consequently, it was concluded that SA was better in the 12th week than the 16th week and PM was better than TM. The 16-week TM was better in terms of Sigma MUFA, the 12-week PM was better in terms of Sigma PUFA and Sigma omega-6, and the 12-week TM was better in terms of Sigma omega-3 amount and omega-6/omega-3 ratio. Therefore, it can be recommended that 12-week-old Linda geese be selected in terms of selected meat traits and FAC of meat


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    Once the COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic, most countries temporarily closed schools and shifted to home-based distance education. Each country had its own way of implementing education remotely. Turkey used an enhanced version of the currently existing Education Information Network (EBA) to deliver distance education to all children including those with autism. The rapid shift from face-to-face education to home-based virtual learning created unprecedented challenges and impacted development and learning of children with autism who often need individualized and systematic instruction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore parental perceptions about effectiveness of distance education practices for children with autism and challenges they faced during visual learning. A total of 208 parents of children with autism participated in quantitative data collection while 18 also attended to individually conducted interviews. Results indicated many families did not use EBA to support their children’s learning and the content of virtual learning opportunities through EBA was not appropriate for the characteristics of children with autism. Implications for future practice and research as well as the limitations of this study were discussed